Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fetes des Peres

For Fathers Day, we have had a pretty eventful day, and it is only 12:30 as we write!

The day started out with the Alterna Do It For Dad 5K to raise funds for research of prostate cancer. Linus, Dad and about 550 others went for a nice run on the scenic Rideau Canal. Mom was along to cheer and of course, to take many pictures.

At the start of the run, things are kind of crowded.

But then thinned out a little.

At the finish, there is time to pose for pictures, and soak in the glory of a job well done.
And to chow down on on a hard-earned banana (or two)!

Once all was said and done, Linus came in hair in front of Dad, and it shows, on the final stats at the end of the day. We can all agreed that next time, we need to reel in that Steve Paradine fellow.

Once we got back home, it was time to attend to more domestic duties, like making pretty pictures. Being Fathers' Day and all, Linus saw fit to make something special for Grandpa John:

And one for Grandpa Pat too!

Happy Father's Day to the grandpas and to the uncles out there.

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