Saturday, March 10, 2007

15 Months

Dear Linus,

Mom and Dad have been neglectful lately about updating your blog and writing your birthday messages. We have been very busy (blah, blah, blah) and also did not get around to it. The important part is that we are getting you on the 15th month, because a lot has happened this month.

We started by visiting grandma and grandpa Patterson in Nova Scotia. This was a great trip for everyone. For one, you got to see grandma and grandpa. For another, they got to see you. And for a third, we all got to have strawberry frozen yogurt. You had discovered the joys of ice cream already, but had not come to understand the lure of the fro-yo. I think a life long love affair was born on the couch watching the TV in a sleepy little Nova Scotia college town.

Visting grandma and grandpa was a great time, but was also a bit of a landmark for you and your Dad. In Wolfville we had our two first nights without Mom at our side. As much fun as we had, it would have been better if we could have finished each day with Momma. I know for sure, that Momma would have like that better too. Once we got through those first two nights, we moved on to Halifax and caught up with Mom who was doing some work stuff there. All was right again when you jumped into her arms and gave the smile that you reserve only for her.

While you started walking last month, you started getting good at it this month. You are getting around now, and starting to really explore. This has caused a predictable mix of joy and sorrow in your parents. While proud of you for learning to walk, we also are left wondering where you youth is going when you start to do things on your own. At some time in the future, you will hear us complain about all the stuff we have to do for you (like carry equipment bags, lace skates, drive you to the movies to meet some girl who will steal and then break your heart - and so on) but you can rest assured that the moment that you don't need us to do it anymore, we will miss doing it, because we like doing things for you. In fact, it is the best thing we do in a typical day. (By the way - when we drive you to the movies, we will probably know that this girl is going to break your heart but we are going to have to take you there anyway. Some lessons are learned only the very hard way).

Your words are coming to you now, and one word in particular is coming with great clarity. The sight of Rocket evokes a clear, unmistakable "dog". This is not surprising given your long friendship with Rocket, and the long tradition from your Mom where the love of dogs is concerned. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

This month also saw your first movie, and your first play. These both came on the same action-packed trip to the museum. First we saw the IMAX movie, Journey of Man by the Cirque de Soleil. The movie was quite interesting, short and had some pretty neat tricks. What was so impressive was that you clearly understood the movie, you knew when something good happened and when it was a bit scary. It confirms my suspicion and fear that you know much more of what is going on around you that you let on. I think this will likely serve you well in the future. It makes for a good life if you can consistently be misunderestimated.

Your first play was a House at Pooh Corner, as a part of the Ottawa Childrens Festival. Not much hear expect talk of honey, rain, wind and the 100 acre wood. It did not have the visual impact of the movie, but was still a good time for all.

You started swim lessons this month. So far, you have been a firefighter, a farmer and a cook as a part of the lessons. I have been impressed by the ability of the teachers to make you do the same stuff, using the same mini-flutter boards but have us all (parents in the water too) believe that we are being something else. Either way, you are getting better at kicking your legs at appropriate times, and as always, you have enjoyed cleaning up the toys at the end of class.

Month #15, like the others, has been a unique, life altering experience for your parents. Every day you amaze us with your determination to grow up and with your inherent goodness even when you don't. You have a knack for making us wish everyday that you never grow up and never change, and yet being grateful for the new person you are when you do. It is quite a trick - keep it up!

We love you,

Mom and Dad.

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