Saturday, February 24, 2007

Canada's Ocean Playground

When Linus arrived in Halifax, the first job was to find Momma. Once that was done, he took the time to explore a little. The first bit of exploration was along the Halifax Harbour with Mom and Dad. Apart from finding out about Halifax's heritage of defeating prohibition, we saw a lot of interesting stuff.

Such as a very real, working tugboat:

And a working version of Theodore the Tugboat:

After that, it was time for Dad and Linus to explore on their own. We went to see Halifax's urban jewel, Point Pleasant Park. The park had been ravaged by Hurricane Juan a few years back, so there were some pretty nasty looking bits:

But the Hurricane did nothing bad to the ocean view:

Linus is not very happy in the picture above. I think this is because he was thinking about the fact that his grandma was not much older than him when her boat came in that harbour and dropped her off at Pier 21. The thought of that long on a boat, with no walks, no dogs, and no time to run around made him pretty sad.

At the park, we also saw some remnants of WWII. It seems the Germans had designs on getting U Boats in to Halifax Harbour, so a gun position was set up at the "point" park of "point pleasant" park:

On the way out, we saw a ship getting loaded at Halifax Harbour:

And finally (I promise this is the last one), on the way out of the hotel, Linus played a quick game of chess while we waited for the shuttle bus:

PS - We were remiss in not getting a picture with Linus' Aunty Pat. Despite the lack of a picture, thanks to Aunt Pat for her trip from Liverpool to visit us.

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