Sunday, May 27, 2007

Always Around Friends

Rocket and Dad watch on as Linus erects a large lego wall. The animals sleep when Linus sleeps...except Justice the Crime Dog who
stands guard.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mama's Day/Tulip Fest

Linus sits on one a tulip in 'tulip park.' It's good just to take a moment.

Linus loves to climb anything.

The enthusiasm is contagious.

A little piece of Tulip Park.

The end.

Welcome to Town Grandpa!

Linus met up with Grandpa Pat today at an establishment near Grandpa's temporary Ottawa home. Linus was happy to show off some new high chair climbing skills.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Just for Comparison

Linus and Mama hang out at the Falls while Dad works in July, 2006.

Niagara Falls 2007

Linus was happy to see water spurting out of patio. If it were just a touch warmer he thought... Wednesday evening was a good night for dinner and a moment with the Falls.

Thursday was boy's day while Mama worked. Linus took Dad on the ferris wheel. Linus is wondering how high they will go. To get a good sense of height, double click the pic.

From the ferris wheel, they captured the landmark view.

Then, off to the Bird Village or Bird World...Bird Dome...something like that. Linus likes the bright birds best.