Saturday, September 30, 2006

Escape Route

Thank you to everyone for thoughts and prayers during Linus' recovery in the past week.
While we are a little reluctant to share his face shots from the past week, we will share some of his backside. He has been persistant in getting around all Mom and Dad's obstacles such as 'playpen barricades'.
I'm sure we'll get some more pictures to share this weekend as our schedule levels out for a you'll see his beautiful eyes again real soon.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Linus Sees His First Canadian Team Volleyball Victory

Linus attended an international tournament at Scotia Bank Centre last weekend. He witnessed Canada's men's national teams take 1st and 3rd while Tunisia took 2nd.

What day is it?

Mom and Dad seem to have a hard time keeping track but the little one sure knows which day he gets to stay home and play play play. He likes to chase the big blue ball and once he gets it, either head butts or just pokes at.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Say Ahh Mr. Elk

We paid a vist to Parc Omega today to visit the elk, bears and other wildlife. We brought with us a bag of carrots to feed our new friends, but had to turn back after the first wave of elk

found our offerings insufficient and reached right into the car and took the bag from Cara's lap!

Leaving our friends with an easy 10lb carrot snack. Undeterred, we found other animals, and other pursuits for our trip to the Parc:

Mom and Linus enjoy the moose, while the Ibex enjoys a carrot.

Linus and Dad go on a hike, which in turn, tires Linus out. Finally, Linus checks out the wolves and decides he likes to observe from afar. Overall a good day at the park.


Our day care is part of the government of Quebec system, and is subsidized. The first catch came when we were voluntold to sell chocolates this week. Anybody want a $3 box of chocolates? I thought we could put door to door candy sales off until at least kindergarten. Next up: bake sale, bottle drive and any number of other toils to raise a few bucks.