Thursday, December 29, 2005

I am starting to see a bit of a resemblance. Maybe its the hair, and maybe, it is the piercing blue eyes. Either way, that is a couple of handsome men on this post.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tick Tock, We Can't All Shower Before Pictures

We took advantage of the beautiful day to take Rocket and Linus for a walk in the park. It was a good break from napping for Mom and a good break from housework for Dad. Does everyone recognize the snowsuit?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Home Time Pictures

Again, less witty, more cute. As most anyone would likely prefer:

Debut in the crib:

Nap time with mommy:

Hanging around with grandma Sheila:

Me Casa

I have no justification for whining, but I am going to do so anyway.

At the hospital, they have these chairs:

That turn into these beds:

It reminded me of Homer, explaining the Muppets.....

They are not Mops, and they are not Puppets, but oh man are they ever.......... I guess I just don't know.

Home at Last

On Tuesday, we finally got home. Linus got to settle into the new digs, and everyone was WAY more comfortable. Linus, looking as good as ever, prepared to make the journey home in safety and style - a method preferred by his Grandpa Pat.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Linus had a bit of a rough day, with the phototherapy for a day to help out with a mild case of jaundice. All is well now and he is doing well indeed.

The therapy left him looking alarmingly like Bono in the Zooropa tour:

Next week he is going to ask to speak to the G8 leaders concerning third world debt.

More Pictures

I know that you all are really enjoying my witty repartee, but really you all came here for pictures of the boy. So, I aim to please...................

Other Priorities

This was the plan for Sunday.

Decorate tree..................

Mr. Linus would have none of that.


Mr. Linus Callaghan Patterson

Sunday, December 11, 2005

What's In a Name

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

That is a fancy way of saying that we have not settled on a name yet. We will keep you posted, and we have set a firm deadline of the first day of grade one to get this project out of the way.

The Date of Birth

Who would have thought he would be born on Thailand Constitution Day? I sure wouldn't have!

Last Night

We went to the hospital at about 5pm, and then we waited, waited and waited.
Finally, at about 9:45 things started to move along and then at 10:23pm EST, he was born. 7lbs - 1oz (or 3.22kg if you would prefer) and healthy, along with a healthy, brave, strong mother.

Despite the fact that mother did all the work, and deserves no less than 100% of the credit for this miracle, dad managed to weasel in on the picture!

PS - We might have gone to the hospital a little sooner if we had not been watching Shannon Kleibrink win the Canadian Olympic Curling Trials. That will make a good story some day.

This Just In - Father Finds Child Cute

The first cry The first nap

C'est Un Garcon

Well, he arrived on Saturday night, and we could not be happier. This is the little placard on his crib.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Crazy Schedule

We are on notice that we should expect our arrival at any time. This was not really the time for our Parliament to fall, and for an election to be called. I have been working with the Green Party here in Canada, and we have an election coming January 23. Things are busy around here. For our Canadian friends - vote Green! For our friends south of the 49th - it is probably best that you not vote for the Canadian Greens, with it being illegal and all.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Got Stuff?

We have been asked many many times, "Do you have everything you need?". That question was usually followed by an offer to provide something, since all the people we know are kind and generous.
In our quest to get all the baby stuff we need, I went out and got us a Diaper Champ. So far, we have found it to be vastly superior to the Diaper Runner-Up, and the Diaper-academic-all-conference-honorable mention.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Another Day In Waiting Land

Without any real news to add, I will just say thanks to Miss Molly for the idea for the site.